'All Disciplines

One Passion'

Multiple World Record Holder

Doing what no-one else thinks is possible

Susan Oakes,
Living a life less ordinary

Having inherited a love for horses from both of her parents, Susan Oakes has been riding side-saddle since she was four – and now holds the side-saddle puissance world record as well as being Ireland’s first skijor winner.

The journey so far...

26 March 2023

More success at Skijordue Festival in Calgary

Part of the Irish duo to win extreme winter sport event – pulled by horses on a sofa built on skis

20 October 2020

Official recognition of high jump world record

Susan Oakes is delighted to make this official announcement that she is a Guinness World Records Title Holder.

24 February 2020

Won the feature race at Skijordue Festival, Canada

Together with best friend, 40-year-old Barry O’Brien Lynch, from Navan, Susan Oakes won the two-and-a-half furlong event against 50 competitors – mainly from the US and Canada.

26 April 2019

Camino Way Charity Ride

Completed the 899km Camino Way side saddle as a charity ride

17 March 2018

Invited to Boston's St. Patrick's day Parade

In 2018 Susan was invited to take part in the Boston St. Patrick's day Parade. The only lady to ride through the Streets of Boston side saddle on a Connemara Pony in front of around 1 million people.

24 October 2013

Broke the World side saddle high jump record

The highest jump by a horse (side saddle) is 203 cm (6 ft 8 in), achieved by Susan Oakes (Ireland), in Dublin, Ireland, on 24 October 2013.

4 September 2013

Highest Height Jumped By A Connemara Pony Side Saddle

Susan Oakes from Co Meath jumped the puissance wall at 1.35 side saddle on Bobby Sparrow Blue

2 February 2013

Won the inaugral Dianas of the Chase

The first race of its kind to be held since the second world war and was by kind permission of Formula 1 Legend Brian Henton

In the news

Press reports and interviews

Irish duo win extreme winter sport event

Mar 01, 2023 | Breakingnews.ie

Irish duo win extreme winter sport event

Irish friends who competed to defend their title at an extreme winter sport competition in Canada lost out on their bid but did win another unusual event.

Oct 30, 2020 | The Irish Field

'I have travelled the world because of the horse'

The news coincided with the announcement of a Level 5 lockdown within Ireland. Not that wild celebrations were on the cards

A day of 'mixed emotions' for Skijor team in Calgary

Feb 27, 2023 | RTE

A day of 'mixed emotions' for Skijor team in Calgary

The Meath Skijor team lost out in their bid to defend their title at a Canadian tournament this weekend in Calgary


I always love the underdog, and maybe taking on something that no one else thinks is possible.

- Susan Oakes

Sep 30, 2020 | Noelle Floyd

I Won't Let My Diagnosis Hold Me Back

When her doctor told Susan Oakes, 37, of Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland that she would have two years left to ride before rheumatoid arthritis sidelined her


Feb 25, 2020 | Irish Mirror

First Irish team to win major skijoring event

Childhood friends Susan Oakes and Barry O'Brien Lynch become first Irish team to win major skijoring event.

Riders in vintage kit to mark 100th

Jul 16, 2019 | Irish Times

Riders in vintage kit to mark 100th

Susan Oakes wore side-saddle gear at launch of this year’s Dublin Horse Show to celebrate 100 years of women being allowed to compete at RDS


Mar 24, 2016 | Horse Network


There’s not much that intimidates Susan Oakes. Well known for doing things that few would have the guts to attempt -


Jul 08, 2019 | The Calgary Stampede

Calgary Stampede Roving Reporter - Stampede Fashion

We all love to wear our favourite cowboy hat and pair of boots for the Calgary Stampede, but the beauty of the Side Saddle Racers


Apr 26, 2019 | Susan Oakes

The Camino Way - Charity Ride

The Camino Frances, also known as the French Way, is the most famous of all the Camino de Santiago route

Susan Oakes Plenty Brave Enough

Oct 24, 2013 | Chronicle of the Horse

Susan Oakes Plenty Brave Enough

A poster of Esther Stace clearing 6’6” sidesaddle captioned “Are You Brave Enough?”


On that day in 2013, I knew I had everything set up perfectly and I knew that if I did it that day, I did it and if I didn’t, I would walk away

- Susan Oakes

Nov 02, 2020 | Horse & Hound

World record gets official recognition

Side-saddle high jump world record officially recognised, seven years after Susan Oakes achieved the phenomenal feat.


Sep 04, 2013 | CPBS

Connemara Pony Height Record

Susan Oakes from Co Meath jumped the puissance wall at 1.35 side saddle on Bobby Sparrow Blue

Bernard Weatherill Side Saddle Chase

Feb 15, 2013 | Side Saddle Ireland

Bernard Weatherill Side Saddle Chase

On the 2nd Feburary 2013, elegant Ladies from both the UK and Ireland embarked on Ingarsby Hal,


Mar 23, 2018 | The Irish Field

Irish presence in US parades

Two Co Meath natives had the pleasure of partaking in the St Patrick's Day parades in New York and Boston last weekend


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